Saturday, March 21, 2015

Class #6: Hurricane Katrina Case Study - Economic, Environmental & Human Impacts

  1. DO NOW: On a piece of scratch paper, list the types of environmental and economic impacts caused by a hurricane. In your opinion, which type of impact is most devastating? Why? (5 mins)
  2. ACTIVITY > Environmental vs. Economic Impacts
    This activity follows the same format as
    the one we did last week after our
    first reading
    1. Each table receives a bundle of slips (the impacts from Class #5’s reading).
    2. (10+ mins) Students discuss and categorize the slips at their table. Organize the slips into 2 categories: Environmental Impacts & Economic Impacts.
    3. (35 mins) Once tables have categorized their slips, the teacher will facilitate the creation of a class poster (on the whiteboard).
    4. Each student approaches the board and places (at least) one slip on the class poster.
    5. Students explain their reasoning - “My impact was ‘25,000 people became homeless and took shelter at the Superdome.’ I believe this is an example of an environmental impact. The hurricane destroyed the human habitat, which led to people going to the Superdome. I’m placing it here in the environmental column.”
    6. Class gives “thumbs up” or can ask questions to push the student's thinking.
    7. (5 mins) HUMAN IMPACT: Which impacts could be seen as human impacts? Put a * next to the impacts that seem to have a direct effect on a human's well-being.
    8. When the poster is complete, students check their homework. Edit or add ideas to their T-Chart.
    9. This work should go in their WEATHERING THE STORM folder.

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